With Infinity Edge you do like 900-1000 crits with your q-skill at this time and normal auto attacks do 650-700 dmg. Now you start to go on crit, movespeed and attack speed.Ĭrit incraese your dmg by 160%, the + at your q-skill and Sheen stacks with crit so your q- skill is with e-skill the most important combi for your whowl gameplay. This means that you jumb in to you dmg and the run out of fight when the enemys got to much hp left.Īfter you have bought Sheen you do with your q-skill on non armored champions 400-450 dmg, this is realy much at this time. You have to play talon like an assasin because he is just build for PUR DMG !!! When your tower is pushed ( what is really easy with this guide ) you have to assist your team.įokus ad carries and low hp & armored champs. Q, jump with e, slow with w, but now you take your ulti and finish it. Now you start the same combo but you use your ulti. Now you w8 on the cooldown of your e skill. ( when he have no hp items exept Doran´s ring and Ruby Crystal)Īktivate q skill jumb on your enemy with e skill do your w skill and run back. With this guide you just to attack the enemi on lvl 6 2 times and he is down.
Thornmail dmg vs bloodthirster full#
The most midline players don´t have armor so you do your FULL AD DMG on them and this is realy important for Talon players. You got megic resist and armor for reducing the dmg of your ap enemy and your enemy jungler.Īrmor penetrionen is to maximize your own dmg. In midlane you play 95% vs AP chmaps like Vaiger,Ahri and Morgana and there jungler. You aske you now why is this guide the best? You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page Talon Armorpenetration and High Dmg, Midline and Botline By Updated onĮ Talon Mid Guide Hey guys this is the perfekt mid item, rune and masteries guide for Talon. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season.
Thornmail dmg vs bloodthirster mp4#
Today We're doing the Armor vs AD versus! Have a great one ^^ Leave a like if you enjoyed! Send Me Your Plays mp4 format, link.QSS (Quicksilver sash) against Rammus so you can cleanse his taunt or Banshee's Veil against Malphite) you will take less damage. Thornmail does magic damage, so if you build a magic resist (MR) item (e.g. Against Thornmail, either buy a Bloodthirster or Madred's Bloodrazor (since it deals magic damage, it's a good counter to Thornmail).We're making League Experiments, Spotlights, Montages and Full Dmg Tutorials! Now you can watch yourself on Youtube! Just Send us your plays (lsmlol.Now what's been bugging me is that whenever you see a build discussion you always see a preference to BoTRK over BT, but surely having 20% lifesteal is always better than. BloodThirster Vs Blade of The Ruined King? Okay so recently I've been looking up builds and thinking about building up my ADCs, played a bit of Varus when he was on rotation.However Bloodthirster lifesteal is reduced due to Darius' armor and knight buff). It took about 24 damage a hit, which is significantly under the =20% return (70% return from double Thornmail, minus up to 50% from Bloodthirster lifesteal.

It's stats are ok tho, but aren't as good as other items.Īlso TM is easy to build and good for early game Not Updated For Current Season

Randuin's is kind of flashy IMO, meaning it not so much a useful item(of course it is useful sometimes), but it has cool features. Warmog's is even better on champs who use health a a resource, and Thornmail is good for people who need an armor item, and want some damage output as well, especially since it's animation is less noticeable compared to say, Sunfire's cape. Warmog's is a good item, and helps a lot in the tank department, but that aside, items are good based on situation. I would disagree with everything you said. is the best choice because of the passive and active. is really bad item and shouldn't be built. Is practically useless if you don't have enough health to back it up.